Water defence Sealing Solution
There are different types of water barriers and lock systems for hydraulic projects. Each type of barriere having a different configuration, geometry, closure mechansim, movements, closure path, load distributions and thereby requiring different sealing techniques.
Storm Surge Barriers
The storm surge barriers forms the first line of protection against extreme high tides or storm conditions and are often positioned in big rivers close to sea poorts, protecting wide land areas.
Lock and gates systems
Lock and gates systems: Lock and gate systems are forming the second line of protection in cases of storm, extreme high tides or overflow in rivers protecting specific parts of the land. Lock and gate systems are also used for water management of shipping traffic.
Modular/Self activating water barriers
These are often tertiary protection systems for local protection of river overflowing .
Temporary water barriers within citys
These are often modular systems which in case of high emergency can be quickly installed.
Creative rainfall flood prevention in citys
Different kinds of water reservoirs to prevent overloading of the drainage system, prevent flooding of the cities by for example storing rainwater at the rooftops of buildings in case of extreme rainfall
Private Property Water Barrier
The private property water barriers kind be found in various settings and configurations, almost similar to larger lock and gate barriers. The gates can be manually positioned or for example by a self activating mechanism, which opens when water comes in contact with the small structure. These types of gates require a compression type of sealing.